RCEP.net for Engineers, Surveyors & A/E/C Professionals
Before you begin this application process, please print a copy of the Provider Manual and keep a copy for your records. This document will assist you in the application process and administrative procedures. You will have 30 days to complete the application. After completing the application, you must mail in your application fee and supplemental materials within 15 days. Click here for a detailed explanation of the application process. If you have previously initiated an application, then simply login to continue.
Welcome to the new RCEP system. We hope you like the improved design.
To get started with your account please note the following:
Your old password has NOT BEEN CARRIED THROUGH to the new system, but all other information has.
We have just sent an email to the address you are using for your login username, and this contains your new access details. Please refer to this and then complete the login again using your new password.
This is a one-time process to get you running with the new system - your login will be simple thereafter.
When you are logged in you will have access to update your details, including the ability to rest your password.